Få full utnyttelse av din netthandelsløsning.
Westpay tilbyr en smart og smidig betalingsplattform - Utvid kundeopplevelsen, aksepter alle type betalinger, unngå svindel og optimaliser din betalingsløsning for maksimal konvertering til laveste pris.
Leter du etter en eCommerce løsning som kan dekke alle dine behov? Vi har løsningen. Westpay tilbyr en løsning i verdenseliten som kombinerer enkelhet, trygghet, og alle tenkelige betalingsmåter. I tillegg, gir vi deg muligheten til å velge din ønskete innløser, eller kombinasjon av flere. Takket være vår løsningsarkitektur kan du kombinere flere innløsere. Så dersom du tenker på å øke innsatsen på din eCom-løsning, nå og for fremtiden.... er vi her for å støtte deg.
Multi Acquirer
Wouldn't it be great to cherry-pick your acquirer based on your need? Or even better: why don't you have several? Whenever your preferred acquirer is down, the second one jumps in a save the day.
Unlimited choice of acquirers
Maximize every single transaction in regards to: Country, market, basket size, etc. through Transaction Dispatching.
Ability to benchmark fees
Ability to negotiate fees
Smart Dynamic Routing
Smart Retry
Conversion uplift with up to 16%
At Westpay, we are proud to be the only payment solution provider that allows our customers to choose a multi-acquirer solution.
When Westpay decided to make an eCom solution, our ambition was crystal clear: we wanted to create a solution that embraced all the features our customers expect to find today and tomorrow in their online solution.
Below you can see some examples of what you get, today, when you sign up for the next-generation eCom solution.
Checkout API
- Integration via payment API.
- Integrate right into your own checkout while still being out of scope for PCI DSS.
- Multiple currencies and languages.
- Fully customizable payment module.
Card on File
- Store card numbers in a safe way.
- Used for repetitive purchases.
- Increases conversion rate.
- Tokenize cards for payments.
Used for Card-on-file
and recurring payments. -
Combined with a CNA sent as parameter when creating the checkout e-com
tokens and CNA (loyalty) tokens are
mapped in Access customer portal.
Virtual Terminal
- Virtual and customized
terminal for MOTO transactions. - Can be used to manually rectify transactions done in card-present or to refund payments to customers not happy with their purchase.
- Can also be used for telephone orders.
Account Updater
- Automatic update of card information
when a card expires or is renewed. - Increases conversion rate and simplifies the customer journey for stored cards.
- Done with the payment and not noticeable for the customer.
Multi Acquiring
- Smart retry allows for trying against a second acquirer if the first one declines.
- Increases redundancy and allows for re-routing to an alternative acquirer if the primary acquirer is down.
- Route card transactions to different acquirers based on BIN, Card Brand and risk profile.
SCA Exemptions
- Make the customer journey better
by utilizing the logon already
done when logging in as a customer. - If SCA was made at login, an exemption can be made on the payment authorization.
- Increases conversion rate.
Integrated Fraud Prevention
- Robust, flexible and future-proof fraud management platform.
- Reduces chargebacks.
- Advanced machine learning capabilities.
- Data from thousands of merchants from all over the world.
- Dedicated support from a global team of experienced fraud and risk analysts.
Chargeback Defense Service
- Outsourced service for compilation and submission of chargeback representment.
- Reduces chargebacks.
- Eliminates the cost of fraud chargeback and chargeback dispute management.
- Dedicated payment optimization specialists and manual review fulfill the day-to-day operations of the fraud strategy.
- Get notifications on coming chargebacks and act before they "kick in".
Mobile Checkout SDK
- 3D Secure.
- Tokenization and stored credentials.
- One-Click Checkout.
- Scan Card.
- Fingerprint / Passcode authentication.
- Fully customizable.
Plugin Support
- Woo Commerce
- Magento
- Shopify
- and others...
- Contact us for more info.
Customer Portal
- Web based, open 24/7, 365
- One-page form for merchant registration and and on-boarding.
- Detailed overview of terminal status and current configuration.
- On-demand live reports of terminal or merchant transactions.
The benefits
As you can imagine, there are many reasons why you should choose one payment provider for all channels. The convenience of administration, support, control, and cost-efficiency are just a few examples. But the main reason spells customer experience. As a customer of today, you expect one experience no matter what channel you choose.
Westpay enable your payment solution so you can focus on your core business knowing that everything is taken care of. Ongoing you get data and intel from your transactions in a package that can be digested in your overall strategy work as you take your business to the next level. We call in one view. Your view.
Learn about the benefit of combining In-Store and eCom together with Westpay.
We cover the most common solutions. You will probably find yours in the image below. If not, no worries; we have a simplified and powerful integration that allows you to blend into our checkout.
Reach out to us, and we will provide you with all the information you need to level up your experience.