With Swipe2Pay, Westpay has a unique technology platform that allows, on-going, new alternative payment methods next to traditional card-present payments. In addition, to strengthen the value of Westpay’s and Klarna’s offerings to merchants and consumers, this collaboration will also add transaction revenue to Westpay.
– I am pleased that we managed to, together with Klarna, implement and successfully launch this before the end of the year. It proves the strength and simplicity to enable alternative payment methods with our Swipe2Pay technology. I am looking forward to expanding our technology even further as we enter 2022, says Tomas Nilsson, CTO at Westpay.
Klarna is the leading global payments and shopping service, providing smarter and more flexible shopping and purchase experiences to 90 million active consumers across more than 250,000 merchants in 17 countries.
Several factors affect total future potential transaction revenues, such as average user adoption, transaction values and volume of transactions. These factors are highly uncertain and prevent us, at this early stage, predicting future revenue. This collaboration is not associated with any major costs for Westpay.
For additional information, please contact:
Sten Karlsson, CEO Westpay AB
Mobile: +46 70-555 6065
Email: sten.karlsson@westpay.se
Hans Edin, CCO Westpay AB
Mobile: +46 70-688 02 05
Email: hans.edin@westpay.se
Published december 22, 2021